Sunday, August 9, 2015

Steve Snow - Prime Minister 2015

Now that I'm blogging again, it might be a good idea (probably isn't) to give you an idea as to what specific comics series I will be reviewing on a regular basis, as well as the overall goals I have with this blog (Goals? Who has goals anymore?).

As a slowly maturing human being, I've noticed that my tastes in comics have also been slowly maturing, although perhaps my sense of humour, while simultaneously irreverent and critical in a (sometimes) sneaky, trollish fashion, still remains the same (for better or for worse). What I mean by maturing is that I'm more interested in reflexive and critical comics fare, which primarily includes independent and alternative works rather than commercial ones. I'm not quite sure where Image Comics falls under that category, but I consider them to be moreso independent despite their recent fame and increased presence in the media. This isn't to say that I dishone or disprove of commercial comics (by that I am referring to DC Comics and Marvel, aka "The Big Two" publishers), but in the world we live in - one in which we have limited time and money (and resources) - one cannot simply read or buy everything. Might I add that I am still of reader of both DC and Marvel, albeit a limited one, but I am not advocating that people who enjoy them stop reading them. I insist the opposite: keep reading the series you enjoy. Keep supporting the books and creators you love. Ensure that what you are buying you are genuinely interested in, and that you haven't fallen into the routine of supporting a series simply because it's something you've become accustomed to (you don't actually need to own every single issue of Detective Comics, especially if you haven't been enjoying reading it for quite some time).

If I don't support my favourite independent creators,
they will die!
It's also important for me to use my purchases as a communicator of my politics and what I'm interested in reading, as that is the major way to personally impact the market and have a say in what kind of material is produced. It's a relatively small statement of course, but you do what you can. By this I mean, if everyone continues to buy and support a series, said series will flourish and be published so long as the demand is there and profit can be made. Your purchase of said series demonstrates to the publisher that you want them to keep putting that series out each month (even if you thought the issue was mediocre or forgettable). Some of the creators I'm interested in these days (I'll name them soon, I swear) aren't exactly as in demand as those creating the big name superhero comics, so they could really use my support (and yours also!) to ensure that they stay employed, as well as continue creating new material. The other way one can begin to affect the market is to start creating their own comics. (Ahem. I'm working on that one. I've discovered that it takes a bit more time creating them than it does reading them...)

Having mildly forced my views upon you, oh gracious reader, I present to you a rough list of the comics I will continue (and begin in most cases) to read, rant, and rave about:

Image Comics:

- Bitch Planet
- Descender
- God Hates Astronauts
- Kaptara

- Minimum Wage
- Saga
(trade collections only!)
- Sex Criminals
- Southern Bastards
- A Voice in the Dark
- We Stand on Guard

Oni Press:

The Auteur

Besides the limited number of ongoing series' I plan on discussing on a regular basis, I will also regularly review some graphic novels and miscellaneous work from some of my favourite creators, including but not limited to: Ted McKeever, Jeff Lemire, Chester Brown, Junji Ito, Jason, and Robert Crumb. Specific books that I'm itching (I'm quite literally scratching my arm as I type this) to share my thoughts on include The Milkman Murders (Joe Casey & Steve Parkhouse), Strong Female Protagonist (Brendan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag), Fun Home (Alison Bechdel), and Stray Bullets (David Lapham).

There are a plethora of other creators and books I will take a gander at, as I plan on covering a lot of ground over the next few years. Until next time...

Stay Tuned!

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