Batman and Robin #17
"Life is But a Dream"
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artist: Patrick Gleason
February 2013
DC Comics
Holy exciting, heart-warming, creative, done-in-one issue, Batman! Batman and Robin #17 is a pseudo-epilogue to Death of The Family, although it is more of a character development tale about how Damian feels towards his father. I feel as though this issue was hand-picked to be released now, as to contrast the event coming in Batman, Inc. #8. I've done my best to avoid spoilers, but these days, with that damned place called the Internet, it's virtually impossible for anything to be kept a secret. Even DC released an interview with Grant Morrison spoiling the plot of B.I. #8 just days before the issues release! Seriously?! WHY DC?!? Ughh so stupid. It ruins the impact of the issue...
So like I was saying, I don't know for sure what happens in tomorrow's issue of Batman, Inc., but with all the buzz surrounding it, I think it's safe to say I'm going to be one upset comic book reader. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, consider yourself lucky. And now, onto Batman and Robin #17!
Batman and Robin #17 is a quick read, but don't let that fool you into thinking it's not an important and joyous one. Tomasi's script is quite minimal and that works wonders for this type of tale. The creative team mostly let the visuals tell the story, and every once in a while, that's fine by me! This story mostly takes place inside the dreamlands of Bruce, Alfred, and Damian, so it feels as though none of the events occurring on the pages really matter. However, I believe that the dream's of these characters reflect how each one of them feels about what's been going on in their world lately.
The artwork by regular series artist Patrick Gleason is fabulous as always. He has a knack for being able to create some creepy imagery while simultaneously pulling off some tender father/son moments between Bruce and Damian. Gleason's style is cartoony but it never feels goofy. This is one of the few books from the New 52 that has had the same writer/artist combo for majority of its run so far, and I certainly hope Gleason remains on B&R for as long as possible.
In regards to the script, it's nice to see the Tomasi and Gleason find such a level of synchronicity where the writer trusts the artist enough to let his art do the talking for him. Some comics I've read these days have too much forced exposition and not enough solid flow to the story. Sure, getting some facts about what the characters are feeling can be great, but too much of anything can spoil a story. Thankfully, team B&R nail this issue and it clearly shows. It's also a nice contrast to Snyder/Capullo's Batman #17 which was prose heavy (I'm not putting it down, I LOVED the issue), but sometimes it's more effective to show what you're trying to get across rather than have characters flatout narrate the action/events occuring before the readers eyes.
There are some more tender moments between Bruce and Damian, and I sincerely hope this isn't the last of them. There was also a freaking AWESOME splash page with Alfred. I won't spoil what it is, but it will surely have every Batman fan in awe over his actions. All in all, this issue was a different yet satisfying read. I'm really antsy to see what happens in Batman, Inc. #8. I feel as though this may be the last father/son bonding tale we can expect from Batman and Robin. I hope I'm wrong about this...
Story: 4.5
Art: 4.5
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