It's been a while. A while since what, you ask? Well, many things. It's been a while since I've shaved my head. It's been a long time since I last went to the United States of America. It's been many days since I walked the halls of Courtice Secondary. It's also been quite some time since I've reviewed a comic book. You probably would never have any inclination as to what I'm about to say next, but you're fairly bright and reasonably educated, so I suppose you'll be able to figure out what's coming next from good ol' me.
It's best to be organized if we want to make any progress here, so let's go out on a whim and say that we'll be seeing reviews from these fine indie/creator-owned comics (that is, up until I decide to drop the series, if I in fact choose to do so..):
- The Auteur
- Minimum Wage
- Nailbiter
- Saga (collected edition reviews only)
- Sex Criminals
- Southern Bastards
- The Superannuated Man
- an assortment of collected editions and original stand-alone material
Feel free to give me feedback. Let me know whether you like what I do, hate it, or heck, even give your own review in the comments. Got something you think I should check out? I'm always open to reading new comics that I have no idea about. The newer, the merrier (but let's not be limiting here folks, there's great old stuff out there that deserves our attention too).
Don't get me wrong, I love superhero stuff (Batman, Hawkeye, Swamp Thing, and Ms. Marvel are my personal favourites) but let's be real: new ideas aren't as easy to sell, nor do they survive as easily in our market as our costumed friends' series do. As an aspiring comic-book writer myself, I'm of the mind to help spread the good word about original ideas and help my favourite comic creators survive in the industry so they can keep creating stories that will (hopefully) be worth reading and so I will continually be entertained and inspired to create the best stuff I can possibly can (whew! whatta run-on sentence). So basically, the more exposure a creator-owned series receives, the increased longevity it has, meaning that we, both the creator and the reader, benefit from this.
Here's to reading great original comics. Happy reading!
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